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Trashy Town

TITLE:  Trashy Town
AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR: Andrea Zimmerman/David Clemesha
AWARDSALA Notable Children’s Book Bulletin Blue Ribbon (The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books)
GENRE: Nonfiction Informational Picture Book     READING LEVEL: PreK-3
BRIEF OVERVIEW: A trashy town gets transformed into a tidy town due to the help of Mr. Gilly, the town trash collector.  The book follows Mr. Gilly as he goes around the town picking up trash.
INTEGRATED ACTIVITY: I will guide the students around the school and we will collect trash.  As we go on the walk around around the school, we will discuss the importance of keeping their school, neighbor/community, and surroundings tidy. We will also discuss the importance of putting trash in the appropriate location.
REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION: Anika Perry, Valdosta State University