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Welcome to: A Book or Two: Children's Literature Reviews, a blog site that offers information on new, classic, and favorite children's literature, reviewed by university professors, classroom teachers, librarians, and those studying to become teachers. We hope you will find "just the right book" to share with others. Our goal is to keep the site updated with information about children's authors, book awards, and new releases. Each entry will include the book cover picture, a brief overview, bibliographic information, and suggested uses for families, librarians, and teachers. We will categorize books in several different ways, to facilitate searching.

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Greedy Apostrophe: A Cautionary Tale

PUBLISHER: Holiday House               
 PUBLICATION DATE: March 1, 2009
GENRE: Concept Book                      
BRIEF OVERVIEW: This book teaches students the correct usage of an apostrophe. Greedy Apostrophe goes around making his mark in all the wrong places until a student notices his wrong markings and the whole city corrects his mistakes.
INTEGRATED ACTIVITY: Write different sentences on the board and have the students come up and place the correction punctuation marks where needed. Also, place incorrect punctuation marks where they are not need and have the students correct the mistake(s).
REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION: Tachovia Kendrick VSU Teacher Candidate