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The Other Side

AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR: Jacqueline Woodson/E.B. Lewis
PUBLISHER:  Putnam Juvenile             PUBLICATION DATE: 2001 
AWARDS: ALA Notable, Riverbank Review Children’s Book of Distinction, Texas Blue Bonnet List, School Library Journal Best Book, Booklist Editor’s Choice, New York Public Library’s 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing, 2001 Time of Wonder Award, IRA Teacher’s Choices 2002 (featured on covers of The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books, Booklist and The Baltimore Sun), 2004 Louisiana Young Reader’s Choice Award (Honor), 2003-2004 Pennsylvania Young Reader’s Choice Master List California Young Reader Medal Nominee, 2003-2004 South Carolina Book Award Nominee
GENRE: Realistic Fiction               READING LEVEL: Kdg and Up
BRIEF OVERVIEW: Clover and Annie spark a friendship in a racially divided area. In addition to being racially divided, a fence separates the girls and their parents tell them not to cross it. The girls become clever and sit on the fence.  As the story goes on, the girls get a stronger bond friendship.
INTEGRATED ACTIVITY: Adapted from: http://storybookipedia.sblc.wikispaces.net/The+Other+Side+Activities. Students will compare
Annie’s life to that of Clover’s using a Venn diagram. They will have to critically think about ways that the girls are equal. We will then discuss the book as a class.
REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION: Anika Perry, Valdosta State University