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Jack and The Beanstalk

TITLE:  Jack and The Beanstalk
AUTHOR(retold by): Ann K. Beneduce    ILLUSTRATORGennady Spirin
PUBLISHER: Philomel; First Edition               PUBLICATION DATE1999
GENRE: Traditional Tale Euro Book            READING LEVELAges 5-7
BRIEF OVERVIEWA tall tale where Jack grows a beanstalk which reaches to the sky where a giant lives.  Jack eventually escapes the giant’s home and cuts the beanstalk down and the giant falls down from the sky after chasing him.
INTEGRATED ACTIVITYAfter readying the story, the students will tell me what they learned about beanstalks, the children can write a story sequence about the book and once they are finished they can create their own beanstalk and draw themselves beside their beanstalk they just made.