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Valdosta, GA, United States
Welcome to: A Book or Two: Children's Literature Reviews, a blog site that offers information on new, classic, and favorite children's literature, reviewed by university professors, classroom teachers, librarians, and those studying to become teachers. We hope you will find "just the right book" to share with others. Our goal is to keep the site updated with information about children's authors, book awards, and new releases. Each entry will include the book cover picture, a brief overview, bibliographic information, and suggested uses for families, librarians, and teachers. We will categorize books in several different ways, to facilitate searching.

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Good Sports

AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATORJack Prelutsky/Chris Raschka
PUBLISHER: Dragonfly Books             PUBLICATION DATE: 2007
AWARDS:  Poetry Foundation, Children's Poet Laureate award
GENRE: Poetry: One Author         READING LEVEL: Grades 1-4
BRIEF OVERVIEW: Combination of poems regarding how athletes feel when playing sports. Some athletes are triumphant in his/her sport while others struggle, yet they don’t give up.
INTEGRATED ACTIVITY: Students will break into spelling stations where they will match a picture of each sport with the word.  After which, they will spell the name of the sport. We will proceed outside to play a mini sport, accommodating for students with disabilities

REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION: Anika Perry, Valdosta State University