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Welcome to: A Book or Two: Children's Literature Reviews, a blog site that offers information on new, classic, and favorite children's literature, reviewed by university professors, classroom teachers, librarians, and those studying to become teachers. We hope you will find "just the right book" to share with others. Our goal is to keep the site updated with information about children's authors, book awards, and new releases. Each entry will include the book cover picture, a brief overview, bibliographic information, and suggested uses for families, librarians, and teachers. We will categorize books in several different ways, to facilitate searching.

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The Three Horrid Little Pigs

TITLE:  The Three Horrid Little Pigs
PUBLISHER: Tiger Tales
GENRE: Fiction                      
READING LEVEL: Kindergarten 
BRIEF OVERVIEWTrouble-making Pigs get kicked out of their mother's home into the streets and have to build their own houses. Instead of earning an honest living the pigs steal from Cows, birds, and chickens. The wolf is friendly and shows them a better way of life.
INTEGRATED ACTIVITYThe students will participate in a game called “Snatch the Chicken.” Rubber chicken will be placed in the middle and each team will have a base. A single representative is to come from each team for a chance to snatch the chicken and reach base without beating tagged by their opponent.
REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION:  Shaneiga Prise, Valdosta State University ECSE

LABELS: Three Little Pigs, picture book, juvenile fiction,