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My Brother Martin

AUTHOR:Christine King Farris    ILLUSTRATOR: Chris Soentpiet
PUBLISHER: Simon and Schuster         PUBLICATION DATE: 2005 
AWARDSChild Magazine Best Book
Arizona Young Readers Awards
IRA Teachers' Choice for 2004
NAACP Image Award 2004
GENRE: Biography: Intermediate    READING LEVEL:  age 8
BRIEF OVERVIEW: Christine (Martin’s sister) tells about the early life of her little brother. Then she talked about how Martin’s childhood experience made an inspirational movement. Letting the reader see Martin’s life through the perspective of his loved ones only proves a point that dreams can truly come true. All it takes is to believe really hard.
INTEGRATED ACTIVITY: Students will conduct research over Martin’s childhood and his accomplishments as an adult. They can create a fold-able or a chart that includes his character traits such as: how he was inspirational, active, and courageous. Students will also have a chance to write about a dream that they have.
REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION: (Nancy Guerrero, Valdosta State University ECSE)
LABELS: biography, History, Dr. Martin Luther King