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Jamal's busy day

TITLEJamal's Busy Day
AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR: Wade Hudson/ George Ford 
PUBLISHER: Just Us Books               PUBLICATION DATE: 1991
AWARDS:  Bestseller
GENRE: Fiction picture book                      READING LEVEL:  1st grade
BRIEF OVERVIEW: Most children are not willing to accept extra responsibilities.  Jamal is not your average child.  In this story, the readers will discover a child who truly enjoys being busy.    
INTEGRATED ACTIVITY: The students could write down their daily routines and explain them to the class.  Then we could discuss the occupations of their guardians and compare to see who has more things to do. 
REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION: (Adrian Marsh, Valdosta State University ECSE)

LABELS: Fiction picture book, Realistic fiction and Contemporary.