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Library Lion

TITLE: Library Lion
AUTHOR: Michelle Knudsen
PUBLISHER: Candlewick
PUBLICATION DATE: June 25th, 2009
GENRE: Fiction Picture Book  
READING LEVEL: 6-8 years
BRIEF OVERVIEW: The rules are very strict in the library this book is set in. The librarian, Miss Merriweather stays on top of the visitors about the rules. One day a lion visits the library and since there are no rules against lions in the library, the librarian lets him stay. One day Miss Merriweather has an accident and the lion goes to warn Mr. McBee by roaring. Because Mr. McBee doesn’t know why the lion is roaring he kicks him out, only to later find out that the lion was doing the right thing. 
INTEGRATED ACTIVITY: Teacher and students can discuss the times that are okay to be loud and warn someone that something has happened. Students can illustrate what animal they would like to take into a library but can discuss why this would not be appropriate
REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION: Jenna Fielding Valdosta State University