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Welcome to: A Book or Two: Children's Literature Reviews, a blog site that offers information on new, classic, and favorite children's literature, reviewed by university professors, classroom teachers, librarians, and those studying to become teachers. We hope you will find "just the right book" to share with others. Our goal is to keep the site updated with information about children's authors, book awards, and new releases. Each entry will include the book cover picture, a brief overview, bibliographic information, and suggested uses for families, librarians, and teachers. We will categorize books in several different ways, to facilitate searching.

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Title: Rapunzel
Author: Barbara Rogasky
Illustrator: Trina Schart Hyman
Copyright: 1982
 Genre: Euro 3
Reading Level: 3-5th
Activity Grade Level: 3rd
Book Description: The tale of a girl with long long hair stuck in a tower waiting to be saved. Will her hair be the secret weapon?
Integrated Idea: Read the story once to the class without showing pictures. Have the kids draw their favorite part that they heard and then read it again with pictures to see if the students made good inferences. Explain that it is their imagination.
 Reviewers' name & affiliation: Claire Brink