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Peppe the Lamplighter

AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR: Elisa Bartose/ Ted Lewis

PUBLISHER: Harper Collins Publishers PUBLICATION DATE: 
Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data
GENRE: Historical fiction  READING LEVEL: K-3rd grade
BRIEF OVERVIEW: This story takes place long ago when there was
 no electricity and the streetlights in Little Italy had to be lit by hand.
 In this story a young boy named Peppe comes from a poor family 
and although he is just a young boy he is searching for a job. This 
reflects how different life was for children in history.  Peppe’s father 
did not think a lamplighter was the best job for Peppe, however one 
night Peppe finally earns his father’s respect when being a 
lamplighter became “The best job in America”.
INTEGRATED ACTIVITY: The teacher will ask the students what jobs they remember 
Peppe trying to get before he became the lamplighter? These include a job at the bakery, 
the candy store, and the grocery store. The teacher will write these jobs on the board as 
the students answer. The teacher will tell the students that these were some common
 jobs during this time in history. Then the teacher will ask the students what other jobs 
are available today in their community? Examples could be fire fighters, car mechanics, 
a barber, actors, bakers, writers and many more.
REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION: Mary Anna Dozier, Valdosta State University