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Juliette Low Girl Scout Founder

AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR: Helen Boyd, Morrison Higgins/ Cathy Morrison

PUBLISHER: Bobbs-Merrill Company PUBLICATION DATE: 1951
GENRE: Biography READING LEVEL: 7th-9th grade
BRIEF OVERVIEW: This book is solely in honor of the amazing Juliette Gordon Low.  It tells Low’s life story and how she was brought up with the incentive to create a Girl’s club/society for leadership and societal skills.  Her determined dream turned into the Girl Scouts of the USA.  Since being a former Girl Scout, I found excitement when discovering this book (biography).
INTEGRATED ACTIVITY: Help team up with a project the Girl Scouts are involved in by helping advocate the “Be a Friend First” message.  Inform the class of the detrimental measures bullying can lead to in and out of schools.  Tell students to embrace the free life they have been given and to cherish themselves and everyone around them.  Juliette Low would fight for this and would be proud to know people still take actions to prevent it. Also tell kids to support by buying a box of yummy cookies!
REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION: Mary Anna Dozier, Valdosta State University