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The Greatest Game Ever Played

AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR: Phil Bildner/Zachary Pullen

PUBLISHER:Putnam Juvenile   PUBLICATION DATE: August 3, 2006 

GENRE: Historical Fiction        READING LEVEL:  Third Grade

BRIEF OVERVIEW: Sam and his dad loved the Giants baseball team then the team moved from New York.  Pop lost his job and Sam got a job, when Sam was let go his boss gave him tickets to a football game.  He took his Pop to it.  Even though the team lost, they knew it was the Greatest Game Ever Played.

INTEGRATED ACTIVITY: Students will re-create the story in small groups and act out in a short play.
REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATIONKasey Casey, Valdosta State University ECSE

LABELS: sports, historical fiction, tradition