TITLE: 100th Day Worries
AUTHOR: Margery Cuyler
ILLUSTRATOR: Arthur Howard
PUBLISHER: Simon & Schuster
DATE: 2000
GENRE: Realistic Fiction
LEVEL: Ages 9+
BRIEF OVERVIEW: Jessica is a worrywart. She worries about what she'll eat that day, what she'll wear, etc. When she finds out her assignment is to bring 100 items of something to school on the 100th Day of School, she is sent into a panic. With the help of her family, she decides to bring 10 of 10 different items to school.
100 buttons, paper clips, or Popsicle sticks, etc. and divide students into
groups. Have each group count their item by 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s, etc. Grade 2.
REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION: (Kelsey Rice, Valdosta State University ECSE)