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Secret Pizza Party

TITLE:  Secret Pizza Party
AUTHOR: Adam Rubin   Illustrator: Daniel Salmieri
PUBLISHER: Dial                 PUBLICATION DATE: 2013
GENRE: Fiction/ Picture Book              READING LEVEL2nd grade

BRIEF OVERVIEW: The main character, a raccoon, loves pizza. The narrator decides that the raccoon should have a secret pizza party so no one will chase him off with a broom. The raccoon ends up at a masquerade pizza party and blends in for a short amount of time. The raccoon gets out of control with so much pizza around and ends up getting chased away with brooms.

INTEGRATED ACTIVITY: Ask the students to think about what his or her absolute favorite food is. Then ask them to find the nutrition value of the food he or she chose. Print off a sheet with specific nutrition values to give the students more direction. The sheet should have things like: how many calories per serving or how many grams of sugar per serving?

REVIEWER’S NAME & AFFILIATION: Brittany Chastain, Valdosta State University ECSE