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Welcome to: A Book or Two: Children's Literature Reviews, a blog site that offers information on new, classic, and favorite children's literature, reviewed by university professors, classroom teachers, librarians, and those studying to become teachers. We hope you will find "just the right book" to share with others. Our goal is to keep the site updated with information about children's authors, book awards, and new releases. Each entry will include the book cover picture, a brief overview, bibliographic information, and suggested uses for families, librarians, and teachers. We will categorize books in several different ways, to facilitate searching.

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Gathering the Sun

Gathering the Sun: An Alphabet In Spanish And English (Spanish Edition)
Title: Gathering the Sun
Author/Illustrator: Alma Flor Ada and Simon Silva
Publisher: Rayo
Publication Date:  2001
Genre: Multicultural Alphabet Book
Audience:  Kdg.- 2nd grade 
Overview: An alphabet book full of poems that represent the Hispanic culture in the eyes of agricultural farmers.  Written in English and in Spanish, readers will learn the different colors, foods, and traditions of the culture, along with learning a new language.
Activity:  Students will draw a picture of an item in the story that is new to them.  They will show the class their picture, state what it is, and how it was used in the story.
 Reviewer’s Name:  Emily Pike, VSU student

Cendrillon: A Caribbean Cinderella

Cendrillon : A Caribbean CinderellaTitle: Cendrillon: A Caribbean Cinderella
Author/Illustrator: Robert San Souci and Brian Pinkney
Publisher:   Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
Publication Date:  2002
Genre:  Multicultural Picture Book
Audience:  1st-4th grade 
Overview: This Caribbean Cinderella story is told in the view of the godmother.  A poor woman finds a magic wand left by her mother, and uses it to help her goddaughter.  She turns household items into wonderful creations.
Activity: Students will make predictions throughout the story based on their prior knowledge of Cinderella stories.  Students will paint a picture of a Cinderella character and design the background to show her origin.  Using color to show the mood and the feelings of the Cinderella.
Reviewer’s Name:  Emily Pike, VSU student

A Picture Book of Sacagawea

Author/IllustratorDavid Adler and Dan Brown
Publisher: Holiday House Publication Date:  2001
Genre:  Biography Picture Book
Audience:  1st-5th grade
Overview: This book shows the life story of Sacagawea.  Including how she was kidnapped as a young girl, and how she assisted Lewis and Clark on their journey to the Pacific.  The pictures in the book are eye catching and really bring the book to life.
ActivityHave the students make native American style necklaces by stringing beads.  Reinforce the idea of beginning, middle, and end by having the students make the necklace into a large pattern.  Example, have the students use large beads in the beginning, small beads in the middle, and large beads at the end.

Reviewer’s Name:  Emily Pike, VSU student


My America: A Poetry Atlas of the United States

TitleMy America: A Poetry Atlas of the United States
Author/Illustrator: Author- Lee Bennett Hopkins Illustrator- Stephen Alcorn
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers   Publication Date:  2000
Genre:Poetry                                    Audience: 3-4 grade
Overview: This is a compilation of Poems, organized by region, about the geography of all the states in the Union. Poets featured in the atlas include; Langston Hughes, Carl Sandburg, Nikki Giovanni, and Lilian Moore
Activity: The teacher will print out a map of the Northeastern United States and the students will pin point each place as they read them in the poem.
NOTE: Since this is a compilation of poems, the book can be spread out over several weeks or months and during short periods of time. For example, the teacher can read one poem after lunch every day until they have read and mapped all of the poems.
Reviewer’s Name: Suzi Mastrario, VSU student


Madeline and the Cats of Rome

[madelineges.jpeg]Author/Illustrator: John Bemelmans Marciano
Publisher: Viking                                               Publication Date:  2008
Genre:      Fiction                                                Audience:  K- 3
Overview: Another of the famous Madeline books, thisone set as she and Ms. Clavel travel with the other girls to Rome. Follow Madeline in her mis-adventures through the historic Eternal City.
Activity: A fabulous way to coordinate a Google Earth tour, stopping at all the places illustrated in the book. A good start to a geographic landmark tour of Rome.
Reviewer’s Name: Dr. Deb L. Marciano